
Workers Compensation: Your Safety Net

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Workers Compensation: Your Safety Net

You put your heart and soul into your job, so it seems only fair that you should be protected from harm while you’re there. Most good employers do go out of their way to provide safety training and equipment to keep their workers safe and protected from any hazards. Federal agencies, like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also have standards in place for employers to follow to keep their workers safe. However, sometimes accidents happen anyway, and when they do, workers compensation is meant to be your safety net. Most of the time, if you follow your company’s procedures for filing a workers compensation claim, you’ll be paid with no trouble. However, I know from experience that it isn’t always that easy. I started this blog to help you learn what to do when your company or their insurance company denies your workers compensation claim.

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Planning To Use Your Vehicle In A Christmas Parade? Make Sure You Are Legally Covered

The Christmas season is fast approaching and soon the streets will be filled with happy children waiting impatiently for Santa Claus to come during your city's annual Christmas parade. You might have decided to volunteer your vehicle to pull one of the floats. Before you hook up that float to your car or truck however, make sure you are legally covered in case something unfortunate happens.

Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

One of the most important things you need to be aware of if you plan to pull a float in a Christmas parade, is what exactly your insurance will cover. For example, some insurance plans will cover any damage caused to your car as well as provide liability coverage if you hit or damage another vehicle or damage property.

Does your insurance protect you in the event that you cause an accident that injures a bystander? There is a potential there for you to be sued if your vehicle wasn't in the best condition, or if the float isn't secured right and causes the accident. You will need enough coverage to protect your assets in the event the worst happens.

Proper Driving Experience

Another factor you need to think about is if you posses the correct license and the right amount of driving experience to pull a float behind your vehicle. In most states you need a higher grade license to pull something as large as a float. It is possible you might require a commercial license if the float is large enough, or if you must drive a truck larger than you normally do. If you are found to not posses the correct level of license and lack the proper experience in driving that particular size of vehicle you could be held liable for the accident and sued or charged with negligence.

There have been many instances of accidents and injuries caused by inexperienced drivers operating trailers or large floats. If you don't have the proper experience in driving a larger vehicle or have no experience driving a truck or car pulling a trailer, it is probably a good idea to pass on this event until you do.

Know Safety Guidelines

Larger parades and ones which have operated for years tend to have safety guidelines for their participants to follow. This is to try to prevent any injuries or accidents to both bystanders and those in the parade itself. It is your responsibility to read and follow these guidelines including any local ordinances and regulations put in place by the local or state police.

For more information, contact a personal injury lawyer from local firms, such as Powers Law.