
Workers Compensation: Your Safety Net

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Workers Compensation: Your Safety Net

You put your heart and soul into your job, so it seems only fair that you should be protected from harm while you’re there. Most good employers do go out of their way to provide safety training and equipment to keep their workers safe and protected from any hazards. Federal agencies, like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also have standards in place for employers to follow to keep their workers safe. However, sometimes accidents happen anyway, and when they do, workers compensation is meant to be your safety net. Most of the time, if you follow your company’s procedures for filing a workers compensation claim, you’ll be paid with no trouble. However, I know from experience that it isn’t always that easy. I started this blog to help you learn what to do when your company or their insurance company denies your workers compensation claim.

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3 Ways You Could Get Charged With Breaking And Entering By Accident

What is it you think of when you hear that someone has landed in jail because of a breaking and entering charge? If you are like most regular folks, this information will lead you to conjure up images of a criminal in dark clothes with a crowbar, prying their way into someone else's property. It's true that breaking and entering could very well be done by someone with the intent to do harm, but it is also easier to be slapped with this charge than most people think. In fact, there are some things you could do in your everyday life that could get you arrested for breaking and entering. 

You return to a previously shared address to retrieve your things. 

Say, for example, you and your partner separated and they kicked you out of the house, which was under lease in their name. You left some things behind, so you return to retrieve them, only to find the locks have been changed and you can't get in. In these situations, it is best to contact the local authorities to help you try and get your things. If you try to get inside of the property to get your stuff, even though you recently lived at the address, you could technically be arrested if you attempt to do so by climbing in a window or picking the lock on the door. 

You return to a property you were evicted from and force your way into the house. 

When a landlord serves an eviction notice, you have to vacate the property by the designated date or risk being removed by the authorities. In the event that you are evicted and you haven't had time to get your furniture and belongings, you cannot go back to the property and get your things without permission from the landlord. If you do try, you could very well end up with a breaking and entering charge. 

You force your way into a fence that surrounds a business property. 

In some cases, you don't even have to break into a building or home to be charged with breaking and entering. If a business property has a fence with a gate that is closed after hours, even making your way through the gate could get you in hot water. For example, if you accidentally left your vehicle parked inside of a fenced parking lot and need to retrieve it, never jump the fence to try to get to your vehicle. 

To learn more about criminal law issues, check out websites like