3 Signs You Might Have Been Discriminated Against When Looking For A Rental Property
Being discriminated against because of the color of your skin, or any other reason, can be a heartbreaking experience. It can be particularly upsetting if it prevents you from finding a place to live. Unfortunately, this type of thing happens more than many people realize. These are a few signs that you might have been discriminated against when looking for a rental property.
1. You've Been Told a Property Was Already Rented, Even if it Wasn't
One sign that you might have been discriminated against when looking for rental housing is if you were told that a property was already rented when it actually wasn't. For example, you might have gone through the process of turning in an application, and you might feel as if you do meet the criteria for the rental. After calling the landlord to inquire about the status of your application, though, you might be told that the home has already been rented out. If you find that the home is still being actively advertised as being available for rent, though, there is a chance that you have been the victim of discrimination.
2. You Were Asked Inappropriate Questions When Inquiring About a Rental
There are certain questions that a landlord or property manager should and should not ask when screening potential tenants. Being asked about your employment and income, your criminal history, and your rental history is normal. If you were asked about your race or the race of your significant other, for example, this would be inappropriate and could be a sign that you were discriminated against.
3. The Landlord or Property Manager Made Inappropriate Comments When Talking to You
Even if you weren't asked inappropriate questions when inquiring about a rental, you might have been made to feel unwelcome as a potential tenant for the rental because of some of the comments that the landlord or property manager might have made.
If you have been looking to rent a property and feel as if you have been discriminated against, you should not just ignore the situation. Instead, you should talk to a discrimination attorney who specializes in handling cases like these. A discrimination lawyer can talk to you about your situation and help you determine if discrimination was at play. Then, if the lawyers thinks that he or she has a good case, he or she can help you move forward, such as by filing a lawsuit. For more help, contact a company like Law Office of Faye Riva Cohen, P.C. today.