
Workers Compensation: Your Safety Net

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Workers Compensation: Your Safety Net

You put your heart and soul into your job, so it seems only fair that you should be protected from harm while you’re there. Most good employers do go out of their way to provide safety training and equipment to keep their workers safe and protected from any hazards. Federal agencies, like the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also have standards in place for employers to follow to keep their workers safe. However, sometimes accidents happen anyway, and when they do, workers compensation is meant to be your safety net. Most of the time, if you follow your company’s procedures for filing a workers compensation claim, you’ll be paid with no trouble. However, I know from experience that it isn’t always that easy. I started this blog to help you learn what to do when your company or their insurance company denies your workers compensation claim.

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What To Know About Seeking Workers' Compensation From A Previous Job

Workers' compensation rules vary from state to state, but some workers may gain benefits even when they are no longer employed. As an employee seeking coverage, you will be dealing with not only your former employer but also their third-party workers' compensation insurer, and it can be challenging to do that after resigning or being fired. Read on to find out more.

On-the-Job Injuries Only

No matter when you file a claim for workers' compensation benefits, you must be able to show that the injury occurred while you were employed at the business. On-the-job injuries include those that happen during your time on the clock and during your normal course of employment, as well as those that occur if you travel for your job. As long you were performing work in the scope of your job, you should be covered for any illness or injury that occurs. In most cases, incidents during lunch breaks are not covered.

Time Limits for Filing Claims

If your injury happened while on the job, then you must file a claim in a timely manner. The time limit to take action and file a workers' compensation claim varies. The sooner you file your claim, the more legitimate it may appear. If you wait too long, the validity of the claim may be questioned. Even if you are no longer employed at the accident location, file a claim as soon as possible.

Slow to Show Injuries

Some injuries and occupational illnesses don't happen all at once. If you are suffering from an injury or illness that occurred slowly over time, you must take action as soon as you become aware of it. For example, if your job involved performing repetitive movements at a keyboard or assembly line, you may begin to be afflicted by carpal tunnel syndrome. Once you have been diagnosed by a doctor, take action and file a claim.

Issues Filing Claims

Unfortunately, it can be both awkward and difficult to file a claim for injuries when you no longer work at the job. You may no longer have access to the proper forms, and your former supervisor may be uncooperative because you no longer work there. Evidence gathering can also be negatively affected by not having access to coworkers who can vouch for your injury. If you encounter problems with filing a workers' compensation claim, speak to an attorney. You have a right to be paid for your medical expenses and more as a result of your injury. Reach out to a firm like the Bennett  Law Firm PC about your claim today.