Tips To Keep In Mind After Getting Pulled Over For Your First DUI
No one ever plans on getting pulled over for DUI, and for that matter, most people hopefully don't ever plan on even getting behind the wheel after drinking. Sometimes though, you have one too many at the bar and you think you're OK to drive but you're really not. Next thing you know, you're taking a DUI test by the side of the road and you know deep down that things aren't likely to turn out well for you. If you've been arrested for your first (and hopefully last) DUI, you'll obviously be looking for a plan to try and mitigate the damage to your record and your reputation. Here are some important tips to keep in mind.
Write Down Everything You Can
Fighting a DUI can be difficult, but it's not impossible. It's important to try and remember as much about the arrest and what happened immediately afterward as you can. What kind of tests were given to check for sobriety? What was the police officer's point of view when they first saw you out on the road? Even if you know you are guilty, documenting as much as you can about the incident could help you fight for a less severe penalty in court.
Your State May Have a First Time Offense Program
So first things first, take a deep breath and calm down. Yes, getting arrested for DUI can be scary, but it doesn't have to be the end of the world, especially if it's your first offense. In fact, many states offer special programs for first-time offenders with the focus being on keeping people out of jail and getting them to reform their ways. If you are eligible for such a program, you may have to take an educational class or perform community service, but you may also have an opportunity to get your record wiped clean if you complete the program.
You Need an Attorney Who Has Worked with First Time Offenders
For best results, you should hire a DUI attorney who has experience working with people in your position. If this is truly your first offense, a good attorney may be able to negotiate better terms for you, especially if your state does not have a first-time offender program. Having an attorney could be the difference between going to jail and getting a plea bargain that keeps you out of jail.
Contact a local DUI attorney today for more information.